Av. de la République n° 1, Macampagne, Ngaliema. Réf. 80 jours
+243 994 645 735 / +243 821 575 645

Bio of Maman Deborah

Deborah Michelle Finch Senga

was born and raised in Baltimore, MD. She came to Christ at a young age and by age 12 was certain of her call to live out the great commission to share Jesus to the ends of the earth. She is wife to Pasteur Jean Senga and blessed to be mother and teacher to Micah, Jonathan and Michelle all God fearing young adults who love Jesus! From her education and psychology training she homeschooled their children leaning on lsaiah 54:13 and opened this tailored curriculum to the greater community by birthing Kinshasa Christian School in 2013. At KCS she has served in every capacity from gatekeeper, teacher at every level and subject, principal, Director of Curriculum, and Founder and Promotrice.
Marna Deborah enjoys reading the Bible
(all of it) and historical fiction, hiking, and playing word games. Her greatest joy is to see the next generation walking in freedom in Christ. Her favorite song is ‘Because He Lives’ and her go to Bible verse is Psalm 139:5 « Vou hem me in behind and before and Vou lay Vour hand upon me. »

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